Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Music: The Enhancer

      Music is really a media that pumps through our veins and has been instilled in our being since the beginning of time. It drives us, makes us feel vibrant, and makes us feel anguish. Music is the mood and music sets the tone of where you are. Music is key and music is memorable. Without it, you have just a scene with no actors. Life without music would be like Macaroni and cheese without cheese. It comes in many genres and classifications, but despite what it falls under, music is music, and whether it is pleasing to your ears is up to perception.

           In everything that Disney does throughout its parks, music seems to be a great influence in many things from attractions, to shows, and even just walking around the parks. It is commonly overlooked and taken for granted, but when you hear it and listen to the beat, you realize that it is something that immerses you deeper into your fantasies and deeper into each world that you are stepping into. Reflecting on it, could you imagine The Haunted Mansion without its soundtrack? What if there wasn't music in Asia at Animal Kingdom? Would the attractions like Expedition Everest (which is super scary to me)  and its queue line be the same without its mysterious Eurasian chimes?

Epcot After Dark

      With that said, I really found one of my favorite tunes being played (no, its not a pop song nor a classical Disney song). Unexpectedly, approximately 15 or so minutes before Illuminations in EPCOT, a sequence of songs were played that seemed to catch my attention. It enchanted me and let me know that not only was it almost time for my favorite firework show, but it was also a reminder of a world coming together with culture. Although one is heavily a Celtic influenced track and the other more Japanese influenced, both do add to the effects of driving excitement. It's almost like those silly Starburst commercials that are a blend of two or more different ethnicities. The music is a like blend of different backgrounds and different cultures and is molded to perfection of what EPCOT really stands for:  Diversity and the world coming together.

    Just like the firework show and they message it conveys, the music is thoughtful as well and reflects the same heart as to what everything is trying to accomplish. Even with the track during Illuminations, I can't help but to tear up a bit with how beautiful the show is and how the music really moves you. Plus, there is a truckload of fire (I'm a slight pyromaniac).

     It took me awhile to find it but I finally did and I wanted to express how much I love the track (minus the interruptions of course. Oh, and here is the track that they play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TOnTjFvjwM&playnext=1&list=PLD2BAA5D90D896DEB&feature=results_video ) The songs are called Busindre Reel by Hevia and Our Life by Uttara Kuru respectively by how they are played. For the actual tracks, here they are! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x-PN4xjek0) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUA3sdyZ_Pw)
The youtube video isn't the best quality of the music but of course these tracks are also found on ITunes as well. Immerse yourself in the culture shock and let me know how it moves you as well. If not this song, what songs or areas that play music really catch your attention?

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