Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Music: The Enhancer

      Music is really a media that pumps through our veins and has been instilled in our being since the beginning of time. It drives us, makes us feel vibrant, and makes us feel anguish. Music is the mood and music sets the tone of where you are. Music is key and music is memorable. Without it, you have just a scene with no actors. Life without music would be like Macaroni and cheese without cheese. It comes in many genres and classifications, but despite what it falls under, music is music, and whether it is pleasing to your ears is up to perception.

           In everything that Disney does throughout its parks, music seems to be a great influence in many things from attractions, to shows, and even just walking around the parks. It is commonly overlooked and taken for granted, but when you hear it and listen to the beat, you realize that it is something that immerses you deeper into your fantasies and deeper into each world that you are stepping into. Reflecting on it, could you imagine The Haunted Mansion without its soundtrack? What if there wasn't music in Asia at Animal Kingdom? Would the attractions like Expedition Everest (which is super scary to me)  and its queue line be the same without its mysterious Eurasian chimes?

Epcot After Dark

      With that said, I really found one of my favorite tunes being played (no, its not a pop song nor a classical Disney song). Unexpectedly, approximately 15 or so minutes before Illuminations in EPCOT, a sequence of songs were played that seemed to catch my attention. It enchanted me and let me know that not only was it almost time for my favorite firework show, but it was also a reminder of a world coming together with culture. Although one is heavily a Celtic influenced track and the other more Japanese influenced, both do add to the effects of driving excitement. It's almost like those silly Starburst commercials that are a blend of two or more different ethnicities. The music is a like blend of different backgrounds and different cultures and is molded to perfection of what EPCOT really stands for:  Diversity and the world coming together.

    Just like the firework show and they message it conveys, the music is thoughtful as well and reflects the same heart as to what everything is trying to accomplish. Even with the track during Illuminations, I can't help but to tear up a bit with how beautiful the show is and how the music really moves you. Plus, there is a truckload of fire (I'm a slight pyromaniac).

     It took me awhile to find it but I finally did and I wanted to express how much I love the track (minus the interruptions of course. Oh, and here is the track that they play: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TOnTjFvjwM&playnext=1&list=PLD2BAA5D90D896DEB&feature=results_video ) The songs are called Busindre Reel by Hevia and Our Life by Uttara Kuru respectively by how they are played. For the actual tracks, here they are! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x-PN4xjek0) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUA3sdyZ_Pw)
The youtube video isn't the best quality of the music but of course these tracks are also found on ITunes as well. Immerse yourself in the culture shock and let me know how it moves you as well. If not this song, what songs or areas that play music really catch your attention?

The Romantic Gems of Disney World

       Although Disney World doesn't necessarily harbor the most romantic places, I do feel like Disney managed to incorporate a few gems in which lovebirds can get swept off their feet with majestic or subtle theming in which you can gaze into the starlit sky or have a cute little champagne picnic in the evening (just a hint to those who want to sweep me off my feet or show me a good time). I just wanted to review my top five places to go that would make great date spots:

#5: Animal Kingdom Lodge Jambo House

Animal Kingdom Lodge Lobby

        As a popular favortie to most Disney fans for hotel choice, Animal Kindom Lodge Jambo House sports some very interesting artwork and very exquisite theming and decorating. The lobby is the main jaw-dropper as you are immediately greeted by a grand room with a ceiling to wall window that gazes out to the savannah.
       Although the decorations do enhance the experience and immerses you into a very specific environment of Africa, I can't help but be lured into the beauty of the lodge and how relaxed you feel when you stay in this particular hotel. Just a stroll down the hallways seem to be peaceful from the hustle and bustle of the parks as this particular hotel doesn't harbor as many wild children as other hotels. Animal Kingdom Lodge still continues its theming with all the decor throughout the hotel including the wall sconces and carpeting. It also features artwork and artifacts at certain pause points for your enjoyment as well. It's like a private museum for you and your partner to tour to your leisure after you visit Victoria Falls for your cocktail of choice (which normally is super calm).

#4:  Port Orleans

Port Orleans:  French Quarter Courtyard

       Although this isn't the most elaborate hotel, Port Orleans does sport a mean theming of the French Quarter in New Orleans as well as the countryside at Riverside. Really though, the key to this area would be the river walkway that connects both the hotels. This stretch of walkway is perfect for an evening stroll to relax and take in the atmosphere with a river to one side, and New Orleans to the other. Benches decorate the walkway so there are plenty of places to have a seat and relax as boats pass by or to observe some wildlife (there are lot's of bunnies!).
     Another gem of this hotel would be the carriage ride that takes you around both hotel grounds. Drawn by a perfectly groomed horse, a carriage that seats up to 4 will give you a stroll under the streetlights to take in the atmosphere. Now I am deathly afraid of horses (mainly because I think they can eat your face), but the carriage ride is at a distance enough from the horse for me to enjoy the time with a loved one. A bit old fashioned, I know, but I do think it's a great thought to impress that special person.

#3:  The Osborne Spectacle of Dancing Lights

Streets of America, Hollywood Studios

       Impressive, vibrant, innovative, and super adorable are just a few words to describe this event that happens for a quarter of the year at Hollywood Studios. Set on the Streets of America, lights deck all aspects of this small area to show off holidays from around the world, and the lights dance to the music that they play, too!
    It is a very neat show and I love the idea of  grabbing a cup of hot cocoa (even if it is a warmer night) and just standing in the center of the streets to enjoy the ballet of LED (ish) lights. Even after the show is over, just walking around the streets prove to be exciting as every crook and cranny shows some type of display of lights and small surprises decorate every window on the streets as well. Plus, it even snows during and after the show, too!
      Really, it is hard to explain and the best way to feel the excitement  is to actually experience the light spectacle (but if you can't here is a short video I found on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etSxNAbGmNY)

#2:  Top of Contemporary Resort

Contemporary Resort

      Although I have not experienced California Grill, the restaurant that sits at the top of the Contemporary Hotel, I have seen the fireworks from the top of the very now-retro monument. Although the viewing deck can get a bit crowded as more people are catching on to this location, a spot lower than the restaurant would be a sufficient spot to cuddle while you watch the fireworks behind Cinderella castle. Imagine a bench decked out with rose petals and a blanket covering a bench with a bottle of champagne waiting for you as you walk towards the gigantic window. Or, if you're lucky, maybe that date of yours will take you to that restaurant beforehand, too! Did I mention that it has a wonderful view of the castle? I just get excited when I think about it. 

And now the number one spot........ Drumroll!

#1: The Boardwalk (and surrounding beaches)

The Romantic Lake by the Boardwalk Inn

       Sometimes I just get flustered every time I set my eyes on this particular stretch. It has a bit of an old-world feel as it's meant to resemble the 1920's - 1940's. It is always super cute, especially after the sun goes down and the stars come out to shine. The strip actually makes a full circle around the lake and includes the International Gateway into EPCOT as well as the Yacht and Beach Club hotels. 
     Close your eyes and imagine this:  You are holding hands with your spouse on a nice stretch of sandy beach and just happen to stumble onto a swinging bench close by the lake. Sitting down with your loved one, you notice how bright the stars shine here away from most of the park lights. You can see the big dipper, orion, and other constellations as you lay your head on their shoulder. Swinging softly, you feel so relaxed and so into the moment that you don't even realize that it is almost midnight and that you've been embracing each other and chatting away the night for nearly two hours. Heading to the walkway, you head towards the Boardwalk Inn hotel and pass a dainty lighthouse and decide to go see what is inside. Walking along, you notice that really, there isn't anything there but yet another spot to sit and enjoy the waves slowly caressing the sides of the port. It makes you feel like you are in a nautical world, full of romance and beauty that makes you never want to leave.......

    That pretty much sums up how I feel about the Boardwalk and the surrounding area. I can't help but to fall in love again even when I just think about this area. It is definitely a hidden gem for Disney as this area is an extremely low traffic area (probably because the surrounding hotels are for Vacation Club members or you would pay an equivalent amount that you would for the Grand Floridian). If you ever have a free night and just want to go and explore something new, this area is a perfect place and even has a few boardwalk-style games  that you can play and win prizes for your partner. Oh, did I mention that this place is free and open to the public? Win!

     So what is your most beloved romantic place in Disney World? Love it and leave it!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Character Analysis: Ariel

        Long, flowy red hair..... a beautiful singing voice...... fins to die for...... a killer seashell bra...... What's not to love about this little mermaid, Ariel? Although I do adore the movie in general for the musical numbers, I do have to express some qualities I love and despise. Why don't we just jump in and start with the positives, shall we?

             Aside from the characteristics at the beginning of the blog, Ariel proves to be a very headstrong young lady (and when I say young, I mean she is only 16).  I can't really blame her for wanting to experience a new world outside an awesome ocean without apparently having any gills. I kind of feel the same way every time I think about living in Florida and being in Disney World away from Nashville, but I digress.
            In reality of the film, Ariel really stands for a character that has a dream and does everything she can to make that wish come true. She gives up her family, fins, and voice to chase after the man she loves and doesn't look back after sacrificing so much. She proves that she is fearless multiple times and that you can also get married when you meet a hunky prince. Like most other Disney characters, she achieves this goal, but at a price.

           Personally, I love Ariel, but her character comes with quite a price that I find it hard to see it as a character that many young girls can see as a role model.

       Being the princess who normally wears the least amount of clothing, I can't help to think that Ariel could possibly be quite an exhibitionist (just kidding....but really, I'd rather be in a killer ball gown any day over a seashell bra, even if the seashell bra is as fantastic as it is). Anyone could argue that her figure is giving young girls a bad body image, but the way America is shaping up right now, we could all take a tip from Ariel and slim down a bit and get a little more fit. I'm not saying we need to be as pencil thin as Yzma is from The Emperor's New Groove, but I think its a poor excuse to blame Ariel for poor body imaging.

      Outside of just her stunning appearance, Ariel does seem to have the victim complex as she is always needing to be rescued by King Triton, Prince Eric, Sebastian, and even Scuttle and Flounder. Now teamwork is a great thing to use when you have as many seaside friends as Ariel, but it does seem a bit pitiful that even though she caused all the trouble, Prince Eric had to stab Ursula with a ship to end all crazy problems Ariel created. I guess it wouldn't be a movie without a scene (or a good quarter of the movie) without a damsel in distress, though. Bless her heart.

Damsel in Distress

      The other crazy fact about Ariel is that she gets married at quite a young age. Really though, I guess every young kid could dream of getting married when they are 16 and can actually legally tie the knot with parental consent (in most states in America, that is and in the Netherlands, all you need is the Queen's permission!).

I could dig a little deeper into Ariel's character but I think that by just grazing the top of her inner and outer being, that you will probably end up reflecting on her character next time you pop in The Little Mermaid to watch before bed. I'm not saying that Ariel is the worst female lead character in all of Disney (although some may argue that she is), but a character cannot come without any flaws, and Ariels' flaws do seem a bit of a stretch for the year the movie debuted in 1989. I'm sure Disney wanted to stick somewhat close to Hans Christian Anderson's version minus the depressing ending, but some characteristics of the storyline just weren't quite relevant for the time period nor for the future.

What do you think about Princess Ariel? Oh, and here is a great sexy piece of artwork that I found online some time ago. Enjoy!
Grimm Fairytales Comics

Eric Of Disney

What came first? The mouse or the rabbit?

         It's hard to imagine Disney without its iconic figure, Mickey Mouse. Being the spokesperson, figurehead, and even the logo on much of Disney's merchandise, even I found it hard to believe that Mickey Mouse may not have been Walt Disney's first animated character.

       With the release of Epic Mickey, Disney relaunched the existence of Oswald, the lucky rabbit. Oswald was actually one of Walt Disney's first animated cartoon characters back in the 1920's and proved to be quite a roller coaster for the animator. With the first animated short, Poor Papa, featuring an older version of Oswald being a flop to Universal studios (Not quite the same company as we recognize it now), Walt Disney created the second short that made everyone gag over a younger Oswald called Trolley Troubles (It can be watched here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_czbftn30k). Did I mention that the title foreshadowed trouble for Walt (minus the trolley, of course)?

      Well, it actually led to quite some trouble for Walt, as he soon after lost the rights to creating future Oswald cartoons (yes, it was a sad day....). With a contractual agreement though, Walt was obligated to fulfill his duties of producing the final cartoons of Oswald before he broke away into his own studio and created a new character of his own. On a train ride, Walt dreamed up a character that seemed to ignite the passion and desire to continue to draw:  Mortimer Mouse! Yes, the name was slightly terrible and thanks to his wife, Lily, Walt changed the name to Mickey Mouse.

         Fast-forwarding to the future, Disney officially regained the rights for Oswald the lucky rabbit in 2006 and quickly put his icon into use in Epic Mickey. With the success of the game and relaunching of the beloved character of Walt Disney, the company soon trickled Oswald into merchandise and even little treats in the Disney Parks like this one that is featured in Magic Kingdom in Disney World at the meet and greet theater:

       My favorite would probably have to be the vinylmations that were released, featuring Oswald as the chaser for the Classic Collection.

    Even the ears would be super adorable on, too!

         With that being said, it's nice to welcome Oswald back to his original home with the rest of the Disney family (that's including the Marvel and Star Wars characters to the family, but I'll save that for another blog).

What are your opinions of Oswald coming back home?

Eric of Disney


         I just wanted to introduce myself before I jump right into blogging about how much I looooove Disney and almost everything about it! I am from Nashville, TN and am currently addicted to Disney. That pretty much sums up my personality and my life. I try not to let it overtake my entire being, but it's hard to restrain myself from going completely postal with Disney related topics.

       This blog is just to share my knowledge, passion, and interests to the public and for pure enjoyment. Most things stated in the blog are for pure enjoyment and of course, not meant to offend anyone. I am a peace-loving guy and intend to stay that way with everything I work on or participate in.

       So now that you know a bit about myself, I shall commence on my blogging of Disney!


            Eric of Disney